Plan for financing for the years 2010-2011

From year 2001 to the spring of year 2006 Europositron has published three special issues of shares of which the last one was cancelled due to insufficient participation. With these emissions company tried to obtain financing for prototype program and patenting. The result of emissions was 1,3 M Euros and the marketing costs of emissions were 0,9 M Euros thus leaving liquid assets of 0,4 M Euros to the company.

Because of the high marketing costs and slow accumulating of the funds, Europositron came up with a different concept containing offer to sell about 32 % of the company’s shares.

The assets from special issues of shares are mainly used to build prototype battery and finish the patent applications for international patenting in 60 countries.

Project for prototype battery, which has energy capacity of 80 kWh and it is planned for EV. Estimated manufacturing costs in mass production would be less than 100 Euros/kWh.

At the moment we are negotiating with several parties based on following offer.

Europositron’s offer for investment (valid until further notice):

Ab Europositron Oy’s special issue of shares comprising of subscription of shares and option.

Special issue of shares: 1600 shares, 1500E /share total 2,4 M Euros. Subscription of shares is divided into two parts, first 1000 shares 1,5 M Euros, and after one year 600 shares 0,9 M Euros.

Option: after about 2 years when prototype is ready and tested - right to buy 7800 shares, total 2,1 M Euros.

When this deal is completed, Europositron will arrange a special issue of shares (according to the Company Law of Finland) for current shareholders offering shares at the same price as in the option. For this 2000 shares are reserved.

After that the shares of Europositron will be divided as follows:

Inventor Rainer Partanen16 250~55%
Current shareholders4 023~13%
Offered deal9 400~32%
Total29 673100%

Inventor Rainer Partanen will expect that the deal concerning this offer is made in Helsinki before it will be taken to Annual General Meeting to be accepted.

In case you have a smaller investment in mind, in the forthcoming Annual General Meeting will be decided of new special issues of shares and we shall inform you of them. On the other hand it could be profitable to buy from secondary market, because then you will have the right to participate in a special issue of shares which is arranged for old shareholders where you can obtain shares less that one third of the price.

March 14th 2007

Ab Europositron Oy

Board of Directors